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What Our Users Are Saying:

CI Radar has information we wouldn't normally get and we find it's invaluable. It's the first tool I've seen that really helps Product Management save time.

- VP Product Management

   Data Integration Firm


The Wall Street Journal says CI Radar is an "innovative technology" and quotes a customer as saying: "I worry every day that our competitors will find out about it [CI Radar]."

- Wall Street Journal


Uncover Deep Competitor Insights from our Repository

We automatically collect competitor documents like pricing, product roadmaps, reviews, presentations, RFPs and more. Documents are automatically tagged, ranked and categorized for easy review within our cloud repository. Greatly reduce your manual research time.

Easily Identify New Markets and New Product Ideas

We automatically uncover missed or under-served segments of your current market. In addition reports identify new markets, new partners and future segments for revenue growth.  Nothing will elevate your stature faster than being directly responsible for increase revenue!

Stay Up-to-Date on Competitor and Market Activity

No need to follow blogs, RSS feeds, alerts services, AND check all of your competitors’ websites every day. Who has the time? Let us alert you every time something happens, whether it’s product announcements, management changes, new marketing campaigns, or a website redesign. We’ll compile THOUSANDS of sources, then send you only the most critical information.

High Precision Through Sophisticated Automation and Efficient Human Analysts

We won't waste your time like low grade tools do. We employ sophisticated systems which capture and filter millions of content items daily. These systems produce subsets of information which our specialized human analysts are able to review, verify and then publish only highly precise and relevant intelligence for your consumption.

Media Coverage and Customers

About CI Radar

Since 2005 we have been helping Product Management teams increase their value by providing deep insights on their competitors and markets. These insights are delivered while drastically reducing the time required for data collection and analysis by the teams we serve.

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"Our product team is too busy to be constantly scouring the web for customer, competitor and market information. Yet we need better intelligence to build better products.

That’s why CI Radar is so valuable, they do it all for me.”

See how CI Radar helps Product Management design winning products, define successful market strategies, create high-impact launch plans and much more.

Better Intelligence for Product Management

5 Reasons to Activate Your Free Trial Now

We uncover where competitors are spending marketing dollars and how they are targeting specific segments of your market.  Optimze your differentiation strategies through analysis of their messaging, positioning and product roadmaps. Make a powerful impact with each new product launch.

Benchmark Competitor Launches and Optimize Your Positioning

Better Intelligence for Product Management

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